Prices are valid from 01.01.2024 of the year


Format Price ($) Description
PR-material with a plate “as an advertisement” 300 we publish the finished text with the obligatory mark “as an advertisement” on behalf of the “Vasya Advertising Robot”
News from press release 350 the news written by the editors, according to the finished press release, can be either marked “as an advertising” or without (at the discretion of the editors)
Article 650 an editorial written by the editors, the topic and content agrees with the advertiser, may be marked “as an advertisement” or “with the support of the Brand” (at the discretion of the editors)
Review of large equipment (TVs, monitors, etc.) 850 editorial review of the device is carried out only by the editors, the preparation period is 2 weeks from the moment the sample is received
Service/device review (small equipment) 1 text – 750 editorial review of the device is carried out only by the editors, the preparation period is 2 weeks from the moment the sample is received
5 texts – 2500
10 texts – 3500
Application review 550 the editorial review of the application is done only by the editors, the preparation period is 2 weeks
Video review 1500 the price includes studio rental (if necessary) and guaranteed 20,000 video views on the YouTube channel
Social media post 220  
Interview 700  
Special project from 1500  
Non-standard advertising on request  

Examples of completed projects in the section →


Format Price ($) per 1000 impressions
Banner Top 728х90 3.5
Banner Premium 300х250 5.5
Banner Content 620х250 4
Banner Premium 300х600 8
Banner Scroll 300х600 5.5
Branding 10
RichMedia 300×300 10
Videos advertising Price ($) per 1000 impressions
content roll 7.5
There are additional markups for advertising alcohol products, posting videos longer than 30 seconds, disabling the “Skip Ads” button
Mobile advertising Price ($) per 1000 impressions
full screen 10
catfish 8.5


Format Price ($) per week
Branding – Main page and news pages 1500

Prices are indicated in USD, excluding VAT.

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