Prices are valid from 01.01.2024 of the year


Format Price ($)
News (press release) 125
News (press release) with editorial revision 150
Editorial review/test 350
Article 280
Special project on request


Format Price ($) per 1000 impressions
Banner Top 728х90 3.5
Banner Premium 300×250 5.5
Banner Content 620х250 7
Banner Premium 300х600 7
Banner Scroll 300х600 5.5
Branding 10
RichMedia 300×300 10
Videos advertising Price ($) per 1000 impressions
content roll 7.5
There are additional fees for advertising alcohol products, posting videos longer than 30 seconds, disabling the “Skip Ads” button
Mobile advertising Price ($) per 1000 impressions
full screen 10
catfish 8.5


Format Price ($) per week
Branding – entire site (no forum) 1200

Prices are indicated in USD, excluding VAT.

MAGNET · magic network · МАГНЕТ